All the classes are multilevel, meaning that everyone can attend them, no matter of the training level. We offer to you a variety of programs during which the trainer is maximum optimizing the effective working time, while you enjoy the benefits of movements, by doing sport. Create a life-style through physical exercise!



Body Sculpt

Through this program you will recover the self-confidence in your own forces. Accessible exercises, from all points of view, are used, emphasizing the muscles’ firmness and the recovering of a enviously physical aspect. In the end of the training class the relaxation is induced through stretching exercises.

Body Aerobycs

First of all, aerobics exercises lead to a superior valuation of the energetic systems sustained by the oxygen, increase the blood speed making the heart to become more powerful, helps to the elimination of the fat, rise the protection against osteoporosis, and also rise the resistance against tiredness. Assure yourself a good mood!

Full Abs

A slim abdomen is the dream of any of us, no matter of the body conformation or the silhouette type. If through diet you succeed to loose some extra pounds, through “Full Abs” program you succeed to shape your abdomen as you wish!